Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hathla Yoga

Do You Know What Exactly Is Hatha Yoga?
From the middle of the 20th century, hatha yoga has become a very popular fitness practice among the people, who are keen to improve their physical, mental as well as spiritual health. This is a balanced approach to fitness, where the body releases stress, improves its physical condition and consequently increases the relaxation.
Although, yoga in itself is more than 5,000 years old, but Hatha Yoga is pretty new version of the ancient practices. It could be called a branch of yoga that is popularized by Bikram, while Swami Vivekananda took it to the west in the early 19th century.
Practitioner of this branch of yoga spend anywhere from 45 minutes to 90 minutes in a single session. Initially the session begins with meditative breathing that is then followed by a warm up, after which the session grows demanding. Hatha yoga doesn’t give a person much time to relax, but it does make a person absolutely strong from inside. The session always finishes off with meditation that allows its participants to completely cool down.
Many scientific studies have proven that a regular practitioner of Hatha yoga gets many mental and physical benefits. People with eating disorders experience an enhanced food consumption behavior when they start practicing this form of yoga. It also relieves its practitioner from depression, anxiety, stress, impulsive anger, irritation, aggression and impatience. Hatha yoga increases the concentration, mindfulness, calmness and peace within a person.
The practitioners have been known to have much better coordination, flexibility and correct posture in comparison to those, who never practice any kind of physical activities or exercise. People with medical anomalies may get well soon, if they practice Hatha yoga regularly. If you would like to receive the benefits of this amazing variant of yoga, it would be advisable to find a good Guru and start the practice under his or her supervision.

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